Calm & safe
WellbeingWellbeing is more than pleasant feelings
“Wellbeing is more than pleasant feelings. It is a positive and sustainable condition that allows individuals, groups, organisations and nations to thrive and flourish. It encompasses resilience, which is the ability to develop and thrive in the face of adversity or the ability to bungy jump through life.“ (Andrew Fuller)
At St. Mary’s School, the teachings of Jesus Christ and the spirit of Mary MacKillop form the cornerstone and benchmarks for all relationships, interactions and practices. Our Wellbeing Plan is a proactive approach to ensure we work towards developing a calm and safe environment for all members of the school community, by imitating Christ in our actions and relationships with others.
We are committed to creating and maintaining a caring school where all are valued and possess a sense of belonging. Further to this, we seek to play our part in helping our students become contributing members of society. The development of important skills and attitudes will serve them in every area of their lives. As a school community, we strive to respond with sensitivity to the academic, social and cultural diversity of our students and their families.
The wellbeing of the students attending St Mary’s is of vital importance to all staff of the school. The classroom teachers have a particular responsibility to the members of their class, but student welfare is a shared responsibility. Through our Buddy Program, older students are encouraged to interact with younger students and to be sensitive to their needs. Respect is an integral part of our school and all members of St Mary’s are expected to respect one another.
At St Mary’s we are concerned with the welfare of our students in all areas of their development: physically, socially, spiritually, emotionally and academically.
We have established a Respectful Relationships social/emotional framework alongside our revitalised School Wide Positive Behaviour Program. Students participate in weekly Wellbeing Specialist classes.
Embedded in the curriculum are the following wellbeing processes:
- Establishing healthy relationships
- Making responsible and ethical decisions
- Recognising and managing emotions
- Setting positive goals
- Meeting personal and social goals, and
- Developing coping skills to deal constructively and effectively with life’s challenges.
Wellbeing Hub
St Mary’s Wellbeing Team consists of the following:
Wellbeing Leader – responsible for working with teachers to plan and implement wellbeing throughout the school. The leader also works with teachers to identify and support the needs of individual students.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader – develops curriculum and programs for a whole school approach to Wellbeing. Also works with external services and families to support individual needs of students.
Learning Diversity Leader – oversees the individual needs of all students are met. Coordinates Team Around the Child and Parent Support Group meetings.
Pastoral Care Chaplain – works with individuals and small groups to help support student needs.
Wellbeing Specialist – Teaches wellbeing to all classes throughout the school
We have a dedicated Wellbeing Hub for students to access either staff directed or self directed. This is a calming space within our school, offering a variety of resources to assist with student needs.
Additional Support Programs offered at St Mary’s: (1:1 or small group)
Berry Street Education Model Ready to Learn Programs
Peaceful Kids Mindfulness
Seasons for Growth – MacKillop Family Services Grief and Loss Program.
At St Mary’s we offer lunchtime clubs to support children in their play and to give a variety of opportunities. These include: gardening, indoor games, walking, craft, choir, and digitech. These are varied and are interchangeable on a termly basis with student voice dictating choices.